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Northern Standard Native Elite Cartridge | Hybrid 500mg Rec

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Northern Standard’s extraction artists have outdone themselves again with the new Native Elite line of CO2 vape oils. Native Elite is engineered by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the highest quality award-winning organically grown strains, using proprietary nitrogen and CO2 based extraction methods, then removing the inert compounds to provide the cleanest concentration of active cannabinoids and native terpenes available on the market. Native Elite oils typically contain 75-85%+ total cannabinoids, and 12-15%+ native terpenes.



Northern Standard


Vape Cartridges
Product Rating Northern Standard Native Elite Cartridge | Hybrid 500mg Rec
1 reviews
Northern Standard Native Elite Cartridge | Hybrid 500mg Rec
(1420 days ago)
A bit smoother than regular Northern Standard but I'm not sure it's worth the $ difference. For some it might. I'm ok with the simpler one.
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