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May 27, 2020

High Game Night – Best Games to Play While Enjoying Cannabis

It doesn’t matter what you are doing - watching your favorite show, doing chores, or playing games with your friends, marijuana is a great mood elevator, adding fun and excitement to just about anything you might do.

Does playing games with friends sound a bit outdated or boring? Add a pinch of marijuana and even the dullest idea will light up. Make sure everyone is packed and ready, get that rolling tray and bong out and prepare for a night full of fun.

Let’s dive in and look at our list of  best games to play when high.


You probably have a Jenga set at home. Smoke some weed, relax, and enjoy the game time with your friends. Can you imagine how funny it could be pulling away Jenga blocks once the buzz kicks in? And you can also upgrade the game and write some cannabis-related notes on the bricks, like a smoking method or device which should be used after you pull out a block. Another rule you might add is that whoever lets the tower fall is making joints for everyone. And remember - the more people are playing, the merrier.


Have you ever played Dixit? This card game is definitely at the top of our list of games to play while high. There are 84 cards with dreamlike pictures you use to guess a story told by one of the players. And being a creative games, you will have some extremely unusual insights and explanations while playing it high.

Games to Play Online While High

If you can’t see your buddies in person, go online. And of course, smoke  before and during your online party.

You can find a lot of apps that provide a chance to play your favorite games online such as Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan and many more. Even Scrabble is available online under the name of Words with Friends.

If you are into playing card games, go to CardzMania, set up a call, and play online.

Of course, the online experience is different from smoking and playing together in person, but sometimes, as it is now during the pandemic, it is the only option to get together and share  good times.

Bong Pong

Marijuana’s effects, especially those of the sativa strains include heightened focus and energy boost. This can make you want to do something meaningful and yet funny. Have you ever tried Beer Pong but with a cannabis twist? It’s called Bong Pong. The rules are quite simple. Line up the cups on a ping pong  table and fill some of them with joints. Take  a ping pong ball and try to get it into a cup with a joint s on the opposite side of the table. Nailed it? Relax and smoke it up!

Do Not Smile

Another game that is hilarious when combined with cannabis consumption is Do Not Smile. Get high by passing the pre-roll around, and try not to smile while looking at your friends around the circle. And, of course, you can try to make other people smile. Play until there are only two people left. Award the winner with a joint and make the person who lost do some chores or whatever “punishment” you might decide upon. You are in for a treat with lots of fun and giggles.

Never Have I Ever

You have definitely played this game before. But have you played it high? There should be enough weed to go around. It’s up to you to decide who will be the first to start the game by saying something like “Never have I ever smoked with my parents”.  If there is a person with a similar experience it’s his turn to take a toke. You do not have to tell the truth but you should, as it will make it that much more fun.

Hold Your Smoke

The name of the game is literally the only rule of the game. Hold your smoke for as long as you can. You can do it one after another or maybe altogether and see who gives up first and who the winner is. There is a high risk of losing due to laughing fits. Isn’t it fun to see your friend’s face when they are trying to hold it in?

As you can see there are plenty of options on how to combine marijuana with various games. We should warn you against  getting too high  and pick games that are not too complicated as the point is to have a fun and easy night.

Be creative, change the rules, and make up new ones. It’s all about having fun and creating great memories. And Silver Stem has plenty of high quality flower and marijuana infused products to offer.


Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using cannabis, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medication.

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