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April 21, 2022

How Much Cannabis Can You Buy in Colorado?

The limits on purchase and possession have changed since the emergence of the legal cannabis market in Colorado.

In today’s article we will set out the current limits as well as regulations as of 2022. Keep in mind that the MED (Marijuana Enforcement Division) does introduce various changes to these limits so make sure to check on the current ones with your budtender.

How much weed can you buy?

It depends on several factors. Different states have different limits. Some states do not allow medical or recreational cannabis at all. Some only offer medical, while some offer both medical and recreational cannabis. 

Let’s take a look at how much cannabis you can buy in Colorado.

How much recreational cannabis can I buy?

1 ounce of flower / 800 mg edibles / 8 grams of concentrate / 8000 mg vape per day

You can buy (important to remember) up to one ounce of recreational flower in Colorado. Other products are limited by their “equivalencies” to an ounce - 800 mg of infused marijuana (such as edibles) equals the one ounce recreational limit, as does 8 grams of concentrate. You can mix and match different product types to equal one ounce. For example, if you buy a half ounce of flower, you could still get 4 grams of concentrate. Or, if you buy 600 mg of edibles, you could still buy two 1 gram vape cartridges.

How much is the possession limit? How much weed can I keep in my place of residence / my car?

The limit on possession is twice as much as the daily limit on purchase, i.e. 2 ounces of flower or equivalent.

How Tourists Can Buy Marijuana in Colorado?

Tourists can buy the same amount as local recreational shoppers (see above). All they need is to be 21+ and have a valid ID.

Keep in mind that it is illegal to transport cannabis across state lines, regardless of marijuana’s legal status in the destination state. If you buy it in Colorado, that is where you need to consume it.

How much weed can you buy with a medical card in Colorado?

2 ounces of flower / 20,000 mg edibles / 8 grams of concentrate / 8000 mg vape per day

That is the gist of it but let us take a look at the details:

Patients who hold a Colorado medical marijuana card may purchase up to 2 ounces of flower a day with a standard limit. Other products are limited by their “equivalencies” to 2 ounces of flower - 20,000 mg of infused marijuana products (such as edibles) equals the two ounce limit. Concentrate is a little more complicated on the medical side of things. Patients under 21 may only purchase 2 grams of concentrate a day, but those 21+ can purchase 8 grams of concentrate a day. Patients can mix and match different product types to equal two ounces. 

For example, if someone 21+ bought 1 ounce already, they could also purchase 4 grams of concentrate. If a patient under 21 had already bought 1 ounce however, they could only purchase 1 gram of concentrate. 

Of course, patients can also be exempt from the standard limit for either flower, concentrate, and/or infused products by their physician. Patients with an exemption will need to provide the Uniform Certification Form from their physician to their dispensary they wish to sign up as a primary patient at.

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