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August 15, 2020

Limonene Cannabis Terpene. Effects and Benefits, Rich Strains

Today we will continue our wondrous journey through the world of terpenes.

Cannabis enthusiasts are always expanding their horizons, learning more and more about this amazing plant. As we mentioned in the previous parts of the series, terpenes are molecules present in the cannabis plant that make up its smell and play a role in its effects. Today, people are learning more and more on the subject, abandoning the simple formula of finding “the most potent strain” in favor of a more sophisticated approach - taking into account the terpene profile of the flower.

What is Limonene Terpene? 

Limonene (pronounced lím-o-neen) is one of the more common terpenes found in the cannabis plant. It is also the major component in the citrus peel oil and responsible for creating the smell of oranges, lemon, and other citrus fruit. Limonene plays a major role in creating the scent of maples, pines, cedars, juniper, rosemary, and more.

The Limonene terpene is commonly used as a flavoring agent to provide the citrusy smell to various foods, as a fragrance in cleaning products, air fresheners and cosmetics, as a multi-purpose solvent, as a dietary supplement, and even biofuel.

Limonene Terpene Effects

So what does the Limonene do? It is still a bit early into detailed studies, but this terpene has been reported to have antifungal, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Potentially, Limonene benefits include higher absorption of other terpenes and cannabinoids, like Mycrene, and has the potential to help with anxiety relief, stress management, digestive disorders such as heartburn, and even inhibition of various tumor growth.

What Strains are High in Limonene?

Do not rely on the name if you are picking a Limonelle rich strain. It is often not the case. Check the terpene profile online or ask your budtender. Higher doses or prevalence of this terpene are usually found in energizing or elevating strains. Among high limonene terpene strains are:

Sour Kush

OG Kush

GSC (formerly Girl Scout Cookies)

Strawnana aka Strawberry Banana

Jack Herer

Berry White


Chem Dawg

In Conclusion

Learning about terpenes, their properties, the way they combine and effects they produce, will elevate your cannabis experience. And we hope to guide you on the way. 


Read More in Our Terpene Series:


Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using cannabis, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medication.

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