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October 16, 2017

Edibles Guide Part 2. Dosage for Beginners and More Experienced Consumers

What is the perfect amount for your very first time? How much to eat/drink to avoid overconsumption?

Part 2. Dosage for beginners and more experienced consumers.

As you remember from Part 1 of the Edibles series, the right dose of Edibles depends on a lot of things. Take a look at the following to calculate your dosage.

Considering the fact that the state of Colorado recommends one unit of Edibles, that is THC 10 mg, let us consider this a starting point. Please note that an Edible unit can contain 25mg, 100 mg, and even 300mg. Basically, they are designed to ensure that the consumer divides it into necessary and convenient doses. But if you take the most common and popular ones, they are usually 10 mg.

For your first time, it is recommended to take a half of the recommended dose, i.e 5mg, but you must also take into account the secondary factors described in Part 1, and perhaps consider taking just a quarter - you do not want to ruin your acquaintance with edibles by overdoing it. Remember that you can always take MORE, but you can not go back and take LESS. So to avoid overconsumption and considering the time it takes for the effects to kick in, we strongly recommend starting with smaller doses.

2.5 mg

First-timer dose with low weight/no experience/etc

5 mg

First-timer dose

10 mg

Standard dose (Colorado)

Users who consume edibles often and have a higher tolerance, usually due to a medical condition, often opt for larger doses of Edibles to treat chronic pain, insomnia and other medical conditions. But even then, we recommend increasing the dose gradually. Namely, avoiding steep increases from 10 mg to 20 mg - do it gradually and safely.

10 mg

Standard dose

15 mg

1st level up

20 mg

2nd level up

25 mg

3rd level up

>25 mg

Doctor's recommendations or urgent MED needs

Consuming more than 25 mg during your first encounter is advisable in case of serious medical conditions, and these doses should be prescribed by a special Medical Marijuana Doctor. It is strongly recommended not to increase the dose significantly without acute medical need. Only you and your caregiver can determine what daily dose works best for you. Finding your ideal ratio of cannabinoids often requires experimenting with different potency and types of infused edibles while tracking your progress in a journal.

 Edibles dosage


Read more from our Edibles Guide:

Part 1. What is the Right Dose of Edibles? What Does it Depend on?

Part 2. Dosage for Beginners and More Experienced Consumers

Part 3. How Fast Do Edibles' Effects Take? How Long do They Last?

Part 4. Do’s and Don'ts. Overconsumption

Part 5. Edibles vs Smoking

Part 6. Types of Edibles

Part 7. Do Edibles Expire? How to Store Edibles?

To eat or not to eat is solely your choice and no one else’s. We outlined recommendations solely for informational purposes. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this information applies to certified products that are sold legally. Most of it does not apply to home cooked edibles, as there is no way to determine the exact composition, the overall and piece by piece THC levels, and so on. We strongly recommend refraining from edibles you don’t know.


Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using cannabis, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medication.

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